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This scheme enables individuals living with mental health problems to access high quality ethical treatment from registered psychologists. Eligible individuals are able to access up to 10 individual sessions and 10 group sessions in a calendar year.


To qualify for a Medicare rebate for psychological sessions, an individual must be referred by their GP, psychiatrist or paediatrician.  Clinical Psychologists attract a substantially higher Medicare rebate as they have been endorsed by relevant regulatory and professional bodies as having specialist experience in treating mental health problems.


For individuals wishing to be referred by your GP under Medicare, you will need to attend your GP for a mental health assessment. If your GP assesses that you are experiencing a mental health problem that requires psychological treatment, he/she can prepare a Mental Health Treatment Plan. A MHTP enables you to access rebates for your psychology sessions.


When booking your GP appointment you will need a longer appointment to complete the process and may need to advise the practice that you are seeking a mental health assessment.


For GPs wishing to refer to our service under this scheme, patients can be referred under a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) (MBS Item number 2710 or 2702).


Please see our Resources page for MHTP referral templates and a Referral Flowchart.

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Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Scheme
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If you are in crisis or have a mental health emergency and require immediate assistance:

Phone the Ambulance Service - 000
Visit your local hospital emergency department
Call or visit your local mental health service
Contact your local GP

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